
Showing posts with the label microscope

tips for using the compound microscope

Are you still struggling with using a microscope? If you want to successfully use the microscope, it is important for you to understand exactly what you have control over. Basically there are  5 things you have control over : You can control the  lighting intensity  using the dial (probably near the on/off switch) and the  amount of light  with the iris (using a lever under the stage) You can  focus the light   on the sample  using the condenser lens You can  focus the light coming up through the objective lens  to your eye using the coarse and fine controls You can  change how much zoom  you are using by swapping between the objective lenses (i.e. you could be using a x4, x10 or x40 zoom - this will depend on what objective lenses are fitted to the microscope - they are all clearly labelled so you know which is which) You can  change the sample position  by moving the stage The places on the micro...

Measurements under the microscope

As part of practical 1 you need to draw a couple of Zebrafish embryos and add a scale bar indicating the size of the embryo. In order to do this you will have to be able to measure the embryos under the microscope. You might find this a little tricky so I have written this step-by-step guide to help you out.... To make any measurements with your microscope you will need to calibrate your   eyepiece micrometer   using a   stage micrometer .  So, first of all, what are these? Eyepiece micrometer  : This is a fine scale that fits inside the eyepiece lens.                                       Its units are  arbitrary. Stage micrometer   : This is a scale fitted on to a coverslip. The size of the divisions are  known . Your aim is to find out how big one division is on the   eyepiece micrometer   at the magnification you are usin...