So what is FAS?

In your first lab you will be considering whether Zebrafish embryos treated with alcohol can be used as a model organism for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome i.e. do Zebrafish embryos respond in the same way to alcohol as human embryos?

So what is Foetal Alcohol Syndrome?

Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is a range of mental and physiological defects that can develop when alcohol crosses the placenta to the foetus. Symptoms include:

  • Stunted growth
  • A reduced jaw
  • Damaged Neurons
  • Cognitive impairments
  • Heart defects
  • Small eyes
  • A small head
  • Short stature
  • Reduced muscle tone

I wonder if you are going to be able to spot any of these in your alcohol treated Zebrafish embryos...

Your life107 teaching team
