welcome to inside107and109!

Hello and welcome to 'inside 107 and 109' from your teaching team! We writing this blog especially for all you wonderful students taking LIFE107 and LIFE109 in the School of Life Sciences at Liverpool!!

Some of the fantastic things you will find on this blog are:
  • short and snappy explanatory posts about different aspects of your practical classes
  • tips for different exercises
  • worked examples for LIFE109 math problems
  • links between your lab work and the maths you learn in LIFE109
  • a chance to ask questions and get quick feedback

We are writing this blog as the year progresses, and so if you have any requests for what you want us to include let us know!!!

So sit back and enjoy an interesting, possibly amusing, but definitely useful regular read of this blog. We'd recommend entering your email address on the right in the 'follow by email' box so that you get blog posts automatically appearing in your inbox.

Posts coming for your first practical soon....

See you in the lab!
