Last week you set up some PCR reactions.... if you are a bit puzzled about what that was all about, read on! PCR stands for P olymerase C hain R eaction. This is a really neat technique that allows you to amplify up (or in other words, make a lot of) a particular gene that you are interested in. Here is a youtube video I found about PCR...... it is quite a long video, but it actually explains the principle of PCR really well !! Last Tuesday you set up PCR reactions to investigate a gene (called SBE1 ) that has two possible forms - in its ' r ' form, it results in wrinkled peas, and in its ' R ' form, it produces round peas. Last week you set up three PCR reactions and these have been put into the thermal cycling machine for you. Here is a reminder of what was in each tube: One of the tubes was the control - instead of adding any DNA you added water, so there should be no amplified DNA in this tube O...