practical 10 in a pea-pod...

You are now on the verge of your last practical this term! 
image taken from:

! This practical is connected to practical 9 !

In your last practical you isolated DNA (from peas), and analysed the purity of the DNA using spectroscopy.  You also set up PCR reactions designed to amplify a specific region of a gene from DNA extracted from both round peas and wrinkled peas

In practical 10 you will be analysing the results of your PCR reactions using agarose gel electrophoresis.

Here is a step-by-step day plan:

ACTIVITY 1 : Use agarose gel electrophoresis to separate and visualise the PCR products from the PCR reactions you set up during activity 3 on day 1
ACTIVITY 2 : Practice analysis of agarose gels with DNA separated on them - using pictures in your manual 
ACTIVITY 3 : Analyse the results from your own agarose gels (i.e. you are looking at the results from your PCR reaction)
ACTIVITY 4: Visualise starch granules from round and wrinkled peas

I will be putting up posts related to this practical over the next few days - enjoy. 
