significant figures
I have had a request to write a post on significant figures!! So, here we go…. There is one simple rule for you to follow. Look at the information you are putting in to your calculation, and identify the value that has the fewest significant figures – this is the number of significant figures you will put in your answer! It is that simple. An example: Lets look at the question in your 109 workbook (workshop 2) on the mass of the whale plus all the barnacles, micro-crustaceans and bacteria on that whale…. Lets just think about the mass of all of those micro crustaceans. You are told that a micro crustacean weighs 0.5 mg , and that there are 150 of them on one barnacle, and there are 34000 barnacles on the whale. So what is the total mass of the micro crustaceans on the whale? This is a simple enough question, you just multiply the mass of one micro crustacean with how many micro crustaceans you have on one b...