practical 2 in a test-tube

Here is a little summary of practical 2...  

There is quite a lot to get through in your 3 hours so keep an eye on the time!

PART 1: Snails and Modelling Clay!  

Part 1 has two activities:

Activity 1: You will be given a snail! 

  • You have to create a biological drawing of your snail (remember a scale bar).
  • You have to measure your snail's shell and your snail's mass
  • You will be thinking about the accuracy of your measurements
  • You will be entering your measurements into a class database (you will need this for your homework)

Activity 2: Fun with modelling clay!

You will be investigating the effect of different types of growth on the relationship between an organisms surface area and volume.  There are three tasks (A, B and C). Each group only has to do one of the three, and then you can get results from other groups for the two tasks you have not done. 

PART 2: Pelves

You will be looking at pelves (plural of pelvis). The aim is to investigate whether male and female pelves can be distinguished using measurements and ratios of your measurements. As part of this you will be 
  • making some diagrams of pelves
  • taking various different measurements i.e. of the pelvic height and pelvic width
  • calculating ratios using the measurements you have taken 

I am sure this all sounds a bit cryptic at first! Read through your lab manual and watch out for our next blog posts for clarification :)
