what is isomorphic growth?

In practical 2 you are going to be coming across isomorphic growthso I thought I'd explain to you guys what this is... 

Isomorphic growth is growth that occurs at the same rate for all parts of an organism - this means that the organisms shape stays the same even though the organism gets bigger

Take a look at this picture of salamanders, at every stage of development the tail is about the same length as the rest of the salamander - i.e. the proportions of the salamander stay the same even though the actual organism is getting bigger. This is an example of isomorphic growth!

image taken from http://www.bio.miami.edu/dana/106/106F05_4.html

You could impress your demonstrator by telling them about allometric growth - this is when different parts of the body grow at different rates - humans are a good example of this, think how big a babies head is in relation to its body, and how this changes for an adult!
