practical 4 in a test-tube

Practical 4 is just around the corner. Here is a summary of what you will be doing...

In this practical you are going to be investigating how changes in pH effect the activity of an enzyme. In doing this you will be re-visiting techniques you have learnt in the previous practicals as well as learning new ones:

  • Calculating amounts to make stock solutions
  • Using the balance
  • Preparing stock solutions from dry chemicals 
  • Pipetting
  • Using a pH meter
  • Performing an enzyme assay

Before you come you have to do the calculations in activity 1 - you will need to have the answers to these calculations in order to make your stock solutions.

You must also do the pre-class test on VITAL

Here is how your time will be split up:

ACTIVITY 1: Prepare two stock solutions - one is acidic the other is basic
ACTIVITY 2: Prepare a range of buffer solutions of different pHs - you will do this by mixing varying amounts of your acid and base stock solutions you have made in activity 1. 
ACTIVITY 3: Read about the theory of the effect of pH on enzyme activity
ACTIVITY 4: Investigate the effect of changing pH on the activity of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase.

Watch out for the next few posts related to practical 4 :)
